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Can I exercise with a gastric balloon?

It’s a common question to ask whether you can carry on with normal activities when the balloon is in place. The simple answer is yes!

The balloon should be viewed as a tool in a wider lifestyle change. It will help you to adapt your eating habits by reducing portion sizes and controlling your hunger but of course what you eat is only part of the equation. If you can increase activity at the same time as reducing your food intake, you will see the greatest and fastest weight loss results. Any activity is positive so if walking the dog is your activity of choice, that’s all good! Equally, if you regularly play football or run or go the gym, there’s no reason why you shouldn’t carry on with your favourite exercise. The only activity we would suggest avoiding whilst the balloon is in place is any kind of heavy combat sport which would involve regular blows to the abdomen. So if you’re a kickboxer, a balloon may not be for you!

How much you are likely to feel the balloon in your stomach differs from person to person but most people report the feeling as a heaviness in their stomach. You may, however, become more aware of the balloon when doing energetic exercises, particularly jumping as the balloon moves around more, or when doing stomach crunches / sit-ups. Neither is a problem for the balloon itself so our advice is to carry on as normal with your chosen activity unless you find it uncomfortable, in which case we can suggest alternative activities.

Whatever your activity of choice, the trick is to try and build up the intensity and duration of exercise over time. So if you normally take the dog for a leisurely walk for 10 minutes a day, try building up to a brisk walk for 20 minutes a day over a few weeks

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